Nmap Technique

  • Quick commands
  • -sC means connect scan
  • -sV means do version dection of port service
  • -oA means ouput to .nmap .gnmap and .xml formats to specified file
  • –top-ports you can specify 100,1000,10000
  • -oN <filename> export to a normal file(like nmaps normal output)
  • -sS syn scan

Initial Scan

nmap -oN scan.nmap -v -sS -sU -T5 –top-ports 1000

nmap -sC -sV -oA fighter

Scan top 10,000 ports

  • avg 134.74 seconds

nmap -oN scan.nmap -v -sS -sV –top-ports 1000

Using Vulners nse script

nmap -oN vulners.nmap -sV –version-intensity 9 –script vulners -p 80

Scan All ports

nmap -p- -T5 -oN all.nmap

Grep open ports

  • need nmap gerppable file

grep -oP ‘\d{1,5}/open’ scan.grep

Awk Open ports and pipe to new NMAP scan

  • -F ” |/” sets the field separator ie; 22/open
  • /open/ on any line that has “open” in it
  • {print $1} print the first field of that line ie; “22” if the line started with 22/open
  • {print \$NF”:”\$4} this would print the last field in the line followed by a colon and then the 4th field
  • ORS=”,” this replaces the newline chars with a comma putting all ports from an nmap scan into one line separated by commas
  • {print substr(\$1, 1, length(\$1)-1)} choose the line “\$1, 1,” and make it’s length the line itself minus one char “length(\$1)-1)}”
  • -I ‘{}’ Finally pipe to xargs with these params to store the line with now comma separated ports and feed into nmap

awk -F” |/” ‘/open/ {print $1}’ ORS=”,” scan.nmap | awk ‘{print substr($1, 1, length($1)-1)}’ | xargs -I ‘{}’ nmap -v -sV –version-intensity 9 –script vulners -p {}