Downloading Youtube Videos Instead of Streaming on Phone

So there are several programs to use for this but my favorite has become “Youtube-dl”  It’s a simple command line program you can easily use for scripting and more. But simply its just simple to use and straightforward no gui, just type in the commands on your command line and your set!youtube-dlworks

It involves basically taking the Share URL for the video or Playlist you want and then downloading it to your working directory from the CMD prompt. That’s it we just use CMD for this bad boy.


Here are my notes  on the basic uses. I basically just use it to download playlists to play on my phone using my Home internet connection. This saves my phone’s preciously expensive High Speed data!

USING youtube-dl in Powershell
-install python
-Download youtube-dl
-Download the .exe file for windows and create a folder for it in your Program Files C:\program files\youtube-dl
-Now add it to the environemental path for use in powershell and cmd

  • Go to>Start Menu > Right Click “Computer” >Properties> Advanced System Properties > Environmental Variables button at bottom > Under “System Variables” go to the PATH variable
  • Edit and by adding a “;” to the end enter your path C:\program files\youtube-dl

-Start Powershell or CMD.exe(just type them into the start menu search) ChoosingPsOrCmdand use it as any program you would call with the command “youtube-dl” and add any arguments after see below for simple practical uses
-Keep in mind a video downloads to the current working directory displayed in your CMD prompt(Just open file explorer and browse there)



                                           youtube-dl <url from youtube to video>

-Files are downloaded to the working directory.


youtube-dl -cit <url of playlist>

-Go to the Youtube channel click on the play list (not play all) and you should see a “share” button for the play list for which you can download.
ie: the share button on this page will generate the playlist url:

-You had to update before using powershell in admin mode

youtube-dl -U


Cyber Organisms

Cyber Organisms; What was I thinking?
Well the idea here is incredibly abstract at best but I hope this will make some sense. We know that in our real analog world the rules of nature and Darwinian evolution have evolved almost every creature we encounter on this earth and the same process on other worlds could be discovered as well.
These creatures including our own ape like species can be called an organism. An organism; kinda sounds like what it is. An organized compilation of parts forming a completed ‘ism’ so to speak that we might name Homo Sapiens or German Shepard. I tie this to our cyber world created and for the most part evolved by us humans. And in this digital realm we have organisms similar in context to the flora and fauna of the analog world. This is my though on ‘Cyber Organisms.’ These organisms would be made up of the hardware, software and below it all the programming languages and machine code that makes the instruction set for the software and hardware. All human derived but eerily similar to genetic code in biological animals and like an instruction set for us in the animal kingdom we can say our genetic codes perform very similar functions to that of the machines.